How to Fit in More Steps Every Day: Full Guide In Detail

How to Fit in More Steps Every Day

Many studies, especially those done in the last decade, have raised the alarm about the dangers of sitting for long periods of time – premature death from damage to heart health and metabolism fate.


Research shows that even if you do the exercise recommended by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (and many other health organizations), you can still face the health risks associated with sitting for long periods of time.



So What Should You Get Every Day?

How often should you take these steps?


Assoc. Bruce Bailey, a professor of exercise science at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, says that while most people have heard the recommendation to walk at least 10,000 steps a day, that number has no research to back it up. . That number came from a Japanese pedometer manufacturer, who created a promotion in 1965 as a way to market their products, according to Harvard Medical School.

 How to Fit in More Steps Every Day
How to Fit in More Steps Every Day



Still, he says it’s really beneficial to take more steps each day, especially if you’re doing it every day instead of doing it all in one big workout. “More steps and less sedentary time can lead to many health benefits, from better cardiovascular function to mood and energy,” said


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For example, previous studies have shown a link between walking and Diabetes. Mellitus has an association between good cardiovascular health at any age. Another study published in 2018 found that just 10 minutes of brisk walking is better than no exercise at all.


A study published in 2019 analyzed data from more than 16,000 older women and found that those who walked 4,400 to 7,500 steps per day lived longer than those who walked less (based on four years of research data). Longevity benefits increase with step count until you reach a plateau of 7,500 steps per day.


In addition to the health and emotional benefits, taking more steps can also help your overall health.

Jennifer Ashton, MD, a medical correspondent at Good Morning America and ABC News, forced herself to focus on increasing her own steps for a month after realizing that the steps she took each day were a little insignificant. She wrote about this experience in her book Self-Healing: One Month at a Time A Year of Happiness, Health, and Wellness.

How to Fit in More Steps Every Day


“Simply put, four weeks of the same journey changed how I see and think about myself,” Dr.. Ashton notes in the book“I’ve always been a strong person, but as I started moving more and sitting less, the extra work increased my strength by at least 25%.

At the same time, I feel calmer, as if walking is a kind of mental exercise.

Think short strides are a good idea: It’s a good idea to get a small amount of exercise every day, rather than trying to take a long walk every day, says St. Louis fitness trainer Kourtney Thomas (CSCS) Definitely more effective.

“Try to make ‘exercise more’ your mantra,” advises.

How to Fit in More Steps Every Day


Here are some ideas for increasing the count and entering more movements:



When you hear the front seat, using purpose can give you more energy, says Thomas.


It’s as easy as setting a new step goal every day. For example, take 200 steps more today than yesterday, then take another 200 steps tomorrow, etc. Thomas, if you’re not physically fit, you can set goals based on time or distance. Maybe a 10-minute walk at lunch turns into a 15-minute walk.

Make it fun, see it as a challenge while you still have a real goal.”


To explore, even if close to

, Ashton talks about taking extra steps and discovering new places while traveling in his book.

However, you can search no matter what country, city or region you live in. Even in well-known neighborhoods, you can take the extra steps by taking the time to look at your landscape in a new way.


Find new roads, walk on roads or paths you’ve never seen before. You can walk around the house several times and observe all the surrounding plants, trees, walkways and landscaping.

How to Fit in More Steps Every Day

Use Reminder

It will be difficult to remember to take a break while you are resting or sitting at your desk, so let your phone do it for you. There are many free apps designed to remind you to do this.


Look for options like “Wake up!”, “Remember me randomly” and “Timeout”. Or set up daily 15-minute “chats”.

That way you stay healthy and clean.”

Parking away from the parking lot

That’s a tip, but worth repeating, Thomas said.

Depending on where you shop, the parking area can be large and easily accessible both on and off the road with just a few steps. Or consider walking to work instead of driving in the first place. If you can go for a walk or walk in nature, it will be another boost to your health. Dr. Mark Nieuwenhuijsen, head of the ISGlobal Urban Research Center in Barcelona, ​​Spain. Planning, environment and health begin. A study he co-authored in 2019 showed that more use of green spaces is so beneficial that it should be considered a public health intervention.

Read Also: What to Eat to Prevent a Hangover.


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