Conversion disorder
Conversion disorder, formerly known as hysteria, is a mental illness in which a variety of emotional, physical, or mental disorders can occur. It has always been classified as one of the psychoneuroses and is not due to any known organic or pathological process. The original word “hysteria” is derived from the Greek word hystera meaning “stomach pain” and reflects the old idea that hysteria is a female disease caused by uterine insufficiency. Signs of abnormal changes can occur in any gender and can occur in children and adults, although they often develop early.
Conversion disorder, in its pure medical form, occurs more often in the brain and is treated more purely than complex therapy.

The incidence of adverse change appears to be declining in many parts of the world, perhaps due to cultural advances such as mental health awareness and public health services. Cases of malignant transformation, such as those often described by 19th-century doctors, became rare. Most of the psychoneuroses encountered in actual therapy will be “mixed” cases in which negative signs of change will be seen in relation to other neurotic disorders. Individual symptoms of negative change can also occur with mental illness.
The sensory and motor response to negative change takes many forms and is chosen as a conversion response because the underlying stressor is thought to “transform” into physical symptoms.
Psychological effects can range from paresthesia (“special” hearing) to hyperesthesia (hypersensitivity) to general anesthesia (loss of sensation). They may involve all or part of the skin, but these diseases usually do not follow the distribution of the nervous system. During the medieval period in Europe, the discovery of such discrete areas of anesthesia on a person’s body was considered proof that the person was a witch until the late 17th century.
Other mental disorders associated with altered mental state include special effects on vision, hearing, taste or smell; or they may reflect acute pain in which no organic substance can be identified.
Physical symptoms range from paralysis to tremors, convulsions, convulsions or convulsions.
In all cases, neurological examination of the affected body shows a good neuromuscular apparatus with normal reflexes and normal electrical activity and response to electrical stimulation.
Other changes sometimes associated with poor transitions are loss of speech (afonia), cough, nausea, vomiting, or hiccups.
The symptoms of mental illness can be very different and are often grouped under the general heading of mental disorders. Amnesia is the most dangerous state in which a person forgets who or what they are. Like many other behaviors, sleep (sleepwalking) is thought to be a disorder.
Treatment of dissociative disorders consists of psychotherapy that focuses on making the patient aware of the thoughts, feelings, and conflicts that are causing the symptoms. The support and acceptance of the doctor, the patient’s family and friends is an important part of the treatment. (See Mental Disorders: Adverse Changes.)
An adverse change is not life-threatening or dangerous. However, it can affect your overall health and well-being. People with regret often encounter serious problems that keep them from working or participating in activities they enjoy. People with the
negative change are less likely to benefit if they:
delay seeking treatment.
If they refuse to believe they have a condition.
If they do not have a good relationship and communication with the doctor. Article
if they do not apply the treatment recommended by the doctor. For
Conversion Disorder, the best outcome is complete relapse. When a person’s mental health and well-being improves, the effects on the brain improve and become less visible until they disappear completely.
While it can be difficult to tell if your brain is causing physical symptoms, it’s important to remember that there are many other situations where this can happen.
Anxiety, worry, stress and other negative emotions can lead to diseases such as stomach pain, high blood pressure and heart problems.
If you have a change, the best thing you can do is work with your doctor and follow his advice. Many people struggle with this diagnosis, so if you feel this way, you are not alone.
If you are having trouble finding a diagnosis, discuss your concerns with your doctor. Establishing an open and honest relationship with your doctor is one of the most important things you can do to help yourself.
Other important things you can and should do are:
See your doctor as directed.
Continuation and participation in medical treatment (including physical therapy, mental therapy, etc.).
If available, take the drug as prescribed.
Improvement and improvement in mental health rarely follows a straight line.
It is the result of very difficult times in the healing process. You may experience times when problems or symptoms worsen rather than improve. This is very common and does not mean that you have failed or that your situation is hopeless.
Inform your doctor if you think you have difficulty with this method. They can advise on ways to recover from a medical point of view.
Often times, they can suggest ideas or methods that can help them overcome these problems and problems.
Read Also: dissociative disorder