17 Questions About Health and Wellness Answered: Best Guide in 2023

17 Questions About Health

Why do we get sick and what is our body doing to fight disease? Learn more about the science behind diseases, allergies, vaccines, exercise and many other factors that affect human health.An earlier version of these questions and answers was first published in Gina Misiroglu (2010) Volume 2 Answers for Children (and Parents).

17 Questions About Health and Wellness Answered
17 Questions About Health and Wellness Answered

Why am I sick?

When you are sick, some or all of your body does not function properly.
The cause of the pain can come from inside your body or from the outside world. Diseases that start from within are often inherited from genes you inherit from your parents that form the idea that determines how your body grows and functions.

Abnormal development or abnormal functioning of the body is the cause of many diseases. Foreign bodies can cause disease. Toxins in the environment can make people sick.

Not eating the right foods that contain essential nutrients can also lead to illness. But the most common cause of illness outside the world is the spread of disease.

These diseases are usually bacteria such as bacteria (tiny organisms that can only be seen with a microscope) and viruses, often called viruses. Bacteria, viruses and other microbes live in the air, water and soil that make up our planet. They are found in the things we touch, in people, and in the food we eat.

Many of these are beneficial: Bacteria are needed to make cheese, some help vegetables grow, some feed on dead plants and animals, cleaning the environment and enriching the soil. But there are other organisms that can enter the body of animals, plants and humans and cause disease.

How do germs enter my body?

Your skin is a very good defense against many diseases that you encounter in your body every day. The only time bacteria can enter is when there is an opening in your skin, such as a cut or scratch.
Most bacteria enter your mouth and nose and then enter your body through your lungs or digestive tract. But even then, some chemicals found in the body’s meat and fluids prevent many harmful bacteria from causing problems.

Once an infection begins as bacteria spread throughout your body, your immune system starts working to eliminate foreign pathogens. Your white blood cells produce special chemicals called antibodies that attack and destroy invaders and help you heal.


What does the immune system do?

The immune system protects the body from viruses, which are viruses that cause disease.
There are four main types of bacteria – bacteria (bacteria), bacteria, fungi and protozoa. This protection starts in the skin and prevents bacteria from entering your blood or tissues.

If bacteria enter your body through your nose or mouth, white blood cells called phagocytes and lymphocytes kill them. Phagocytes capture and destroy invaders, and long-lived lymphocytes remember the invaders and release chemicals called antibodies that make the body immune or immune to them. White blood cells are found in the blood, lymphatic system, and spleen.

The lymphatic system (or lymphatic system for short) is a network that runs through your entire body. A clear fluid called lymph circulates throughout the body, cleaning the body cells with nutrients and water, investigating and eliminating diseases. Lymph fluid is filtered by the lymph nodes before it enters the body’s blood vessels.

What is the difference between bacteria and viruses?

Bacteria are single-celled organisms that are self-sufficient and capable of reproduction.
They are everywhere, including air, water and soil. They divide and multiply very quickly, which means that one phone can turn into a million in just a few hours.  Bacteria are smaller organisms than bacteria, but they cannot grow or reproduce without the help of human cells. When a virus enters your body, it attaches to healthy cells and uses the cell’s nucleus to replicate itself.

Is there a disease in our stomach?

Yes, our stomach is full of bacteria. Not all diseases are bad – in fact, some are beneficial. For example, we may have E. coli bacteria in our guts that helps us digest green vegetables and legumes (and also makes oil). The same bacteria also produce vitamin K, which causes blood to clot.

Where is the other virus?

Viruses are everywhere! Diseases are often airborne, affecting our homes, pets and family members, and sometimes making us sick. In addition to the toilet in the bathroom and the toilet in the kitchen, everyday items such as shopping baskets, restaurants, cell phones and shower curtains also harbor bacteria.

products contain bacteria that cause bacteria, molds and rhinoviruses (which cause the common cold).
In fact, cold and flu viruses can survive on hard surfaces for up to 18 hours. Household items can be easily wiped with disinfectant before use to avoid contamination.

17 Questions About Health and Wellness Answered

Washing your hands with soap and water, using hand sanitizer, and not touching your face after using these products can help keep germs away. Don’t make your bed to get rid of dust—the little things that live on your sheets and feed on dead skin. Studies have shown that dust mites need over 50 percent humidity to survive and cannot survive in dry conditions in messy bedding.

What is an allergy?

Anaphylaxis is a reaction to substances that are normally harmless to other people. Allergies occur when a person’s body overreacts to a substance they breathe, touch, or eat. Allergens  antigens that cause allergic reactions  can be food, drugs, plants or animals, chemicals, dust or mold.

Some of the common allergic reactions are fever, eye allergy (allergic reaction to the eye), asthma, pet dander allergies, and skin rashes such as hives.

One of the causes of allergies is dust mites, which cause most of the dust in the house. If inhaled by an allergic person, the body of dead bacteria can cause asthma, a lung disease that makes it difficult for the person to breathe. Wholegrain or wholemeal sneezing from cats and dogs can cause allergies such as asthma, runny nose. The most common food allergies are proteins in milk, eggs, peanuts, wheat, beans, fish, shellfish and tree nuts.

What is an antibiotic?

Antibiotics are drugs that help the body’s immune system by directly killing or weakening harmful bacteria, allowing the immune system to attack and kill them more easily. The most popular antibiotic is penicillin, which is produced by mold. Penicillin kills bacteria by interfering with the bacteria’s cell wall or cell contents.

How was Penicillin developed?

In 1928, Scottish scientist Alexander Fleming discovered that one of his experiments was infected with mold.
Mold forms a sterile circle around itself, and Fleming concludes that mold is an antibiotic that kills many harmful bacteria. The active agent is called penicillin. In the mid-20th century, Fleming’s discovery expanded the pharmaceutical industry, which produces penicillin to treat many common diseases, including syphilis, gangrene, and tuberculosis. In 1945 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for his discovery of Babies and Children.

How were vaccines invented?

Jenner confirmed that nursing mothers contract smallpox, a minor virus that infects cows against smallpox. He transmitted the material from the arm of the vaccine’s wife, Sarah Nells, to her 8-year-old son, James Phipps. He later exposed Phipps to smallpox and Phipps did not get sick. It works because cowpox virus and smallpox share an antigen (protein) that makes the child’s body immune.

After repeating the experiment with other children, including her own son, Jenner concluded that the vaccine could prevent smallpox without putting people at risk for transmission.
Jenner used the word vaccine, which comes from the Latin word vacca, meaning “cow”, in his treatment. Jenner’s discovery was published two years later, in 1798, and today vaccines are used worldwide to create immunity.

Is chicken soup good for colds?

Chicken soup will not cure the flu, but it may help reduce symptoms. For centuries, people around the world have used chicken soup to treat colds.
Chicken soup may help people feel better, but scientists have learned that chicken fat can help reduce cold and flu symptoms in two ways. First, chicken soup acts as an anti-inflammatory by slowing the action of neutrophils, which are immune cells involved in the body’s inflammatory response. Second, it temporarily increases the strength of mucus from the nose. This action can help relieve nasal congestion and limit the time the virus comes into contact with the nose.

Why is exercise important for health?

Exercise is good for your health. Regular physical activity helps a person have strong bones and muscles, helps control body fat, helps prevent certain diseases, and helps maintain a healthy lifestyle. Regular exercise can help improve digestion and sleep well. When kids exercise in their busy lives, they can cope with the physical and mental stress of a busy day. Many governments and other organizations recommend at least 150 minutes of physical activity per week.

Why is sleep important for health?

Scientists don’t know why people need sleep, but research shows that sleep is essential for survival. Sleep seems to be necessary for the brain to function properly. While a night of getting too little sleep can leave us feeling tired and unable to focus the next day, prolonged sleep deprivation can impair memory and physical performance. If sleep continues, hallucinations (imagining things that are not there), vision problems, and hallucinations occur.

How does drug addiction affect human health?

Drug use is the cost of taking drugs (other than those prescribed by doctors for certain conditions) that compromise or prevent people from performing their daily activities, including studying or working. Drugs of abuse can be alcohol, marijuana, tranquilizers, inhalants, or many other drugs that make you very tired or relaxed. Drug use occurs all over the world and includes people of all ages, young and old. It often affects a person’s body, relationships with family and friends, and work or education.
In some cases, drug use can be fatal because the person using drugs is involved in an accident or has used enough drugs to completely shut down their body.

Is alcohol harmful to health?

Alcohol is a drug called a depressant that weakens the central nervous system. After a person has a few drinks, it can affect how they feel or act. Alcohol can make a person drowsy, inconsistent, and unresponsive. It can blow your mind and cause you to think and see things differently.


After years of drinking, alcohol can cause gastrointestinal problems, liver damage, nerve and muscle damage, heart problems, and brain damage. Alcohol can cause anything from fainting to permanent deterioration of brain function and memory. Researchers have also linked long-term alcohol consumption with cancers of the lung, mouth, liver, esophagus, and lung. Drinking alcohol can also cause emotional and psychological problems such as sadness and depression. If a pregnant woman drinks too much alcohol, it can seriously harm her unborn child and cause allergies.

Why is smoking bad?

Cigarettes contain many harmful chemicals, such as tar and poisonous carbon monoxide, in addition to the nicotine stimulant. These chemicals pose health hazards ranging from bronchitis to cancer. Doctors believe that smoking is responsible for 90 percent of all lung cancers. Heart attacks, heart attacks, and strokes are more common among smokers.


One of the effects of nicotine is on blood vessels, which can cause high blood pressure. Another benefit is that smoking can increase your heart rate, which puts more strain on your heart. Smoking affects every part of the body. Your blood thickens, making your heart work better. Damage to the inner walls of arteries allows blood to pool, which can lead to atherosclerosis or arteriosclerosis.
Smoking also damages teeth, nails and lung tissue and causes bad breath.

Is passive cigarette smoke harmful?

Yes, passive smoking is bad. Secondhand smoke, also known as environmental smoke (ETS), is a mixture of smoke emitted from the tip of a cigarette, pipe, or cigarette and secondhand smoke from the smoker. It is inhaled involuntarily by non-smokers, remains in the air for hours after the cigarette is extinguished, and can cause many diseases such as cancer, respiratory diseases, wheezing.


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